government Category

Government With a God-Complex

There are really only two ways to see the world. Either the world and all that is in it has been created by God and therefore is under his sovereign power and authority, or there is no God and therefore all that is in the world is exists merely by cosmic chance and has no […]

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Responding to Government Tyranny

In the previous two posts (see here and here), we have established a framework from Scripture for how we should view the government. To recap quickly: Human authority is not bad in and of itself God has ultimate authority He has delegated some authority to human governments Human governments serve God and people by enforcing […]

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On God’s Good Gift of Government

To those who know me, it is no secret that I have been very critical of the Canadian and Ontario government over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic. By and large, I stand behind those criticisms. But I was challenged recently by a conversation with other believers that left me feeling like I was unintentionally […]

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On Authority and Spheres of Governance

What does the Bible say about authority in general, and what does it say about government authority in particular? These are the questions this post aims to address. Scripture is not silent on these issues, and they are important ones we should grapple with so as to obey God’s Word in all areas of life. […]

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