
My Favourite Verse About Heaven

My perspective about heaven has changed a lot over the years. When I was young, I pictured it mostly the ways cartoons do: up in the clouds, wearing white robes, flying around with wings. That seemed pleasant enough, albeit kinda boring to a young kid. Later, I began to discover more of what the Bible […]

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Will We Recognize Each Other in Heaven?

Art has done a lot to ruin the biblical image of heaven. Most images of heaven depict fat baby-people floating around in the clouds while playing harps. While this concept of heaven is common, it is anything but true. The Bible says nothing about heaven functioning as a place anything remotely like that…and thank the […]

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5 Misconceptions About the Devil

Many people, including Bible-believing Christians, have a lot of wacky views about the devil that are just flat-out not true. What does the Bible really say about Satan? And what does it not say? Here are 5 common misconceptions about the devil. #1 – He is not real. In the 1995 movie The Usual Suspects, Roger […]

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Christian: You Are God’s Inheritance

I love it when, while reading a familiar passage of the Bible, you come across something that somehow you missed every other time you read it. Such was the case the other day when reading in Ephesians 1. It says, in part, [16] I do not cease to give thanks for you, remembering you in […]

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8 Things That Won’t Get You To Heaven

Just about everybody wants to go to heaven when they die. Granted, the definition of what “heaven” is varies from person to person, but here I’m talking about the Biblical heaven: a place of eternal, immensely fulfilling life in the presence of Jesus and all those who have had their sins forgiven by God. This […]

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3 Common Misconceptions About Heaven

What happens after we die? It’s one of the most gripping questions that human beings have wrestled with since the beginning of time. Thankfully, we are not left in the dark on such an important issue. The Bible gives us the answers. However, much of what people think about the afterlife – in particular, about […]

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What’s So Good About Good Friday?

Good Friday is celebrated on the day that Jesus was crucified. Most people are familiar with the story enough to know that Jesus’ death by crucifixion was a brutal, bloody mess. Jesus was betrayed by his friend Judas, abandoned and denied by the rest of his disciples, put unfairly on trial in the middle of […]

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Lyrical Theology: In Christ Alone (Part 5)

In Christ Alone – Newsboys (see full lyrics here) Till on that cross as Jesus died / the wrath of God was satisfied / For every sin on him was lain / Here in the death of Christ I live Contained within these few verses is the very essence of Christianity. The big idea is that Jesus is […]

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Cupcake Day & Discussion Recap

Every Thursday I visit one of our local high schools to help run a student ministry called ISCF (Inner School Christian Fellowship). For the last three years we have put on an event called Cupcake Day where, during lunch, we give away hundreds of free cupcakes to the students and staff. This past Tuesday we […]

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