
The Slandering Work of Satan

Satan’s desire is to prevent as many people as possible from experiencing the abundant life that is found through faith in Jesus Christ. As God’s enemy, he wants to thwart and disrupt God’s plans. He attacks the very things that are God’s best weapons in the battle for the souls of men. The book of […]

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10 Weapons in the Devil’s Arsenal

The Christian life is a fight, and it is one not against people but against the forces of darkness in our world. Our enemy is vicious but also sneaky, in that he doesn’t always attack us in ways that are obvious. When some people think of the devil showing up, they picture spinning heads and […]

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5 Misconceptions About the Devil

Many people, including Bible-believing Christians, have a lot of wacky views about the devil that are just flat-out not true. What does the Bible really say about Satan? And what does it not say? Here are 5 common misconceptions about the devil. #1 – He is not real. In the 1995 movie The Usual Suspects, Roger […]

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When Jesus Prays For You

I’m not sure if it’s right or wrong, but I find it to be comforting when someone I perceive to be spiritually stronger than I am prays for me. I suppose that subconsciously it feels like God is more likely to answer that prayer because of their impressive faith. That may or may not be the […]

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How Should Christians Think About Halloween?

Well, it’s that time of year again! Halloween is probably the most debated holiday among Christians, and understandably so. Believers fall from one end of the extreme to the other on how to think about Halloween – some seeing it as pure evil and locking themselves inside, and others dressing up and going door to […]

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School Shooting in Newtown: Where was God?

On December 14, 2012 a heavily armed, 20-year old entered Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut and gunned down 20 children and 6 adults. The media firestorm that followed this horrific act was gigantic, and so has been the response through social media. People are trying to make sense of it all. The main […]

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