social justice Category

Does God Always Side With the Marginalized?

With the incredible popularity of social justice talk in our culture, those within the Christian Church have had to try and sift through the ideas being pushed by the culture and determine which are supported by Scripture and which contradict it. I have written about this a lot already, but today I want to hone-in […]

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Book Review: Fault Lines by Voddie Baucham

Christianity and Critical Social Justice: These two things cannot co-exist.  This is the primary message of Voddie Baucham’s latest book Fault Lines: The Social Justice Movement and Evangelicalism’s Looming Catastrophe. Just as the San Andreas Fault creates a stark dividing line between two moving tectonic plates, so a dividing line is splitting down the middle […]

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The Asian Problem

Let me explain the title of this post up front. The “Asian Problem” is a term I’m using NOT to describe any kind of issue I have with Asian people. Rather, it refers to the problem the Asian community in North America presents to the commonly accepted social justice narrative. As I have explained many […]

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Math is Racist? Math is Too Objective? An Explanation

For people not familiar with Marxist Social Justice initiatives all across Western civilization, the idea that math is racist or too objective sounds incomprehensible. They may be tempted to dismiss it as some sort of joke gone wrong, or the musings of a lunatic that no one really listens to. Think again. The attack on […]

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Interview With Corey Miller of Ratio Christi

Today I had the pleasure of sitting down with Corey Miller, CEO of Ratio Christi. Ratio Christi is an international apologetics organization that specializes in outreach on school campuses. In this interview, we discuss the unique nature of Ratio Christi, the need for intellectual and thoughtful evangelism, the challenges of reaching the next generation, and […]

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What is Critical Race Theory?

Critical Race Theory (CRT) has hit mainstream awareness ever since President Trump issued an executive order against teaching CRT through government-funded means. Until that point, CRT was mainly known only to those who have taken college and university courses in social studies. (Side note: I guarantee one of the first actions Joe Biden will likely […]

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War of Words: Christians Are Becoming Secularized Because of Shifting Definitions

“Language is the road map of a culture. It tells you where its people come from and where they are going” – Rita Mae Brown “But if thought corrupts language, language can also corrupt thought.” – George Orwell “Language is power, in ways more literal than most people think. When we speak, we exercise the […]

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Social Justice Is a Secular Religion

I have been hammering on this theme for a while now, and there is good reason for that. I remember listening to some sermons and podcasts over 10 years ago where some Christian leaders were trying to point out the problems with the social justice movements happening in North America, in particular how they affect […]

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